Area B Lab: Communications systems
Area B Lab: Communications systems
Equipment and tools to analyse different aspects of mobile communications systems, from terminals that allow monitoring of public and private mobile communications networks, a PC to create a private 4G network, an analyser of 3G radio communications, to specific software for planning and optimizing 4G and 5G mobile networks.
The following equipment is in place: (1) 1 LTE emulator AMARI OTS 100 by Amarisoft with 2 mobile terminals LTE Huawei P20 Lite, (2) Rack of 7 PCs Core I5 (2 cores) for simulations, (3) DELL POWEREDGE R415 computing platform (with 2 CPUS AMD OPTERON 4386) for simulations, (4) 1 mobile terminal LG V50 with QualiPoc LTE and 1 mobile terminal LG V50 with QualiPoc 5G and (5) 1 Rohde Schwarz CMU-200 Universal Radio Communications Tester with 3G terminals.
From a software perspective: (1) ATOLL RF Planning and optimisation software from FORSK company, (2) Matlab with the LTE and 5G toolboxes, and (3) ROMES Replay software for post-processing data from drive test measurements.
Hardware wireless communications and technologies laboratory set, with the equipment used to analyse and test IoT devices protocols and several radio access technologies. With Faraday cage Rohde-Schwarz cage, real time spectrum analyser and RF signal generator and a massive IoT deployment bank. Mobile communication base station emulators, that include LTE Rohde-Schwarz CMW-500 base station emulator, GSM base station emulator HP-8922 and Amarisoft 5G Base Station. Equipment for the audit of WiFi networks, ZigBee and Bluetooth networks. Wizzimotes, Arduinos, Semtech SX1212. WIMAX complete communications system. Professional Digital Field Video Broadcasting Terrestrial DVB-T meter. Modulator COFDM DVB-T MO-170. RFID label printer and RFID readers (860-940 MHz and 13.5 MHz).
Metaheuristic based frequency allocation algorithms (used to plan regional TETRA network), UMTS/LTE system level simulation with relay support, OFDM PHY level simulation with mutual information-based link abstraction models, etc. Software for optimization of radio systems: Permanent licenses of Mentum Planet, Wireless Insite, XFtd and XGtd. Software defined radio devices for prototyping with external common clock with GPS synchronization module.
Energy efficiency equipment: Hameg power meter for the characterization of power consumption and optimization of energy efficiency, High sensitivity current probe Keysight N2820A, 2 channels, Solar panels for autonomous systems.
Generic laboratory equipment: Oscilloscope Keysight MSOX4104A, spectrum analyser, signal generator, combiners, duplexers, antennas, professional soldering station for the implementation of the testbeds and their necessary electronic setups, etc.
Systems engineering and systems integration for embedded systems. Low-power consumption processing techniques. Programmable devices. Sensor and ad-hoc networks. Internet of Things (IoT). 5G technologies. Wearable systems for human activity monitoring. E-health monitoring systems. Human gait monitoring. Smart sensors for Industry 4.0. Drone technologies.
CAD technologies for the analysis, design, and development of electronic circuits. Switched circuits, variant circuits, nonlinear circuits, and distributedparameter circuits. Stability and bifurcation analysis.
Low-energy and low-cost wireless communication systems. CMOS integration of communications receivers and transceivers. Advanced signal modulation techniques (spread spectrum, ultra-wideband, OFDM). Wake-up radio systems.