MICC aims to introduce the use of on-site mobile communications as a way of improving the global competititevess of the European construction sector. Such communications are essential if quality, efficiency and safety are to be improved. MICC is defining a European wide solution which will enable all on-site organisations to radically improve management of the site through new mobile applications and services. After laboratory and site experimentation of emerging technology, the project will perform advanced sample application experiments on four construction sites to demonstrate the viability of the architecture and the improvement in quality, efficiency and of the long-term economic efficiency of the European construction industry in competing in the international marketplace. The project is user-led and takes its direction from the fundamental requirements of the construction industry. The Consortium has set up a Project Industry Forum to cooperate closely with suppliers and communication network operators. The partners are already in contact with National Hosts.
September 1995 - August 1998 (01/09/1995 - 31/08/1998)
More Info
Project Website: http://cordis.europa.eu/search/index.cfm?fuseaction=proj.simpledocument&PJ_RCN=1428168