NOBEL: Next Generation Optical Networks for Broadband European Leadership

The overall goal of the IST project NOBEL is to find and to validate (experimentally) innovative network solutions and technologies for intelligent and flexible optical networks, thereby enabling broadband services for all. Specifically project main objectives are:
* to define network architectures, evolutionary guidelines and a roadmap for core and metro optical transport networks towards intelligent data centric solutions (based on optical and electrical switching, e.g. ASON/GMPLS);
* to identify main drivers for the evolution of core and metro optical networks supporting end-to-end broadband services, and to derive technical requirements in accordance to this;
* to study efficient traffic/network engineering and resilience strategies in multi-layer/domain/service networks and interworking issues;
* to assess and describe social and techno-economic aspects regarding the deployment of network solutions and technologies for intelligent and flexible optical networks;
* to evaluate solutions for providing end-to-end Quality of Service;
* to identify network architectures, concepts and solutions for advanced packet/burst switching;
* to propose simplified strategies for the end-to-end management and control of intra/inter-domain connections in multi-layers networks (e.g. IP over Optics);
* to find enhanced solutions and technologies for physical transmission in transparent optical networks;
* to identify the key functional requirements from the architectural, management, control and transmission viewpoints and translate them into specifications, feasibility studies and prototype realizations for multi-service/multi-layer nodes with flexible client and adaptable transport interfaces;
* to assess existing technologies, components and subsystems in terms of efficiency and cost-effectiveness, deriving requirements and specifications for next generation components and subsystems, with respect to the network solutions identified;
* to integrate the prototype solutions of for multi-service/multi-layer nodes into existing test beds for experiments on advanced functionalities.

24 months

# Telecom Italia - TILAB - Italy # Alcatel SEL Ag - ASEL - Germany # Alcatel CIT - ACIT - France # Alcatel Italia - AITA - Italy # British Telecom - BT - UK # Deutsche Telecom - DT - Germany # Ericsson AB - ERICSSON - Sweden # Lucent Technologies Network Systems GmbH - LUGmbH - Germany # Lucent Technologies Nederland BV - LUBV - Nederland # Marconi Communications ONDATA GmbH - MCONDATA - Germany # Marconi Communications S.p.A. - MCSPA - Italy # Pirelli Labs - PLABS - Italy # Siemens - SIEMENS - Germany # Telefonica I+D - TID - Spain # TeliaSonera - TS - Sweden # T-Systems Nova GmbH - T-Systems - Germany # ACREO - ACREO - Sweden # AGH eng. UMM-University of Mining and Metallurgy - AGH - Poland # CISCO - CISCO - Belgium # Telecommunications Technological Center of Catalonia - CTTC - Spain # France Telecom - FT - France # FhG-HHI - FhG-HHI - Germany # Interuniversity MicroElectronics Center - IMEC - Belgium # Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation - NTT - Japan # National Technical University of Athens - NTUA - Greece # AIP-Politecnico of Milano - AIP - Italy # Scuola Superiore S.Anna - SAnna - Italy # Telenor - TELENOR - Norway # University College of London - UCL - UK # Budapest University of Technology and Economics - BUTE - Hungary # University of Stuttgart - UST - Germany # Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC - Spain # Ericsson Magyarorszag KFT - ETH - Hungary

Contract number

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